As riding on other vehicle, cycling involves different risks; no matter how good you are at cycling, you are not exempt of suffering some of the most common bike accidents.
For that reason, we are going to talk about some accidents, that, as cyclists we are exposed. Take your protective equipment and alert your senses for today’s ride.

What are the most common bike accidents? Have you ever experienced one?
Let’s stand out that in some occasions, the following accidents are caused by us, and some others are caused by vehicles. That’s why we should always pay attention to path, our actions and others actions.
Don’t forget that even though you have the best helmet, the best bike, reflexes and braking system, you’re more exposed to damages than motorists. So, note down the most common bike accidents to avoid them.
Dooring, one of the most common bike accidents
The famous and feared dooring. One of the most common bike accidents, we all have been victims of this action, or we’ve closed to.
This occurs when motorist or passengers of car open the car door suddenly. The sudden open of the door and speed of bike are the perfect mix for a strong collision.
Taking the lane is the best option to avoid the already mentioned actions. But if you feel more comfortable by going next to the sidewalk, close to parked vehicles, be aware of the possible car doors opened. Don’t go at a fast speed to have enough time to stop.

Surprise on the right
Maybe or probably the most common accident; this occurs when a car comes out from the garage or from a street corner, if this come out so quickly and without be aware of surroundings, impact to cyclist on the right side.
The best way to avoid it is taking the lane (you have the right to do it so), in this way, you are more visible. If you circulate during night, use your lights to be extremely visible. Ultimately, but always necessary, call out motorist and make some signs to warn about your presence.
Surprise on the left
Similar to the previous case; the difference is that occurs when car comes in opposite direction, meaning, in front of us. When motorist try to turn around, to take the crossing or because don’t see us, can impact us on the left side.
Implement measures of the already mentioned, but in this case, also take into consideration to not circulate on sidewalks (in fact, you should never go on those). If you go by sidewalk, the motorist has less time to see you. In the same way, in a crossing, you shouldn’t overtake on the right side with a car in front of you, in this way you won’t be visible neither for the car that will turn around on opposite lane.
Overtaking on the right
This happens in two situations: when we try to overtake a car on the right side, or when the motorist already saw us and even though, accelerate to try to overtake us and turn to the right.
In the first case, they have us in a blind spot, then, in the second case, expect for us to brake and yield to them. On both scenarios we can being run over.
The solution, as in most of cases, is take the lane. The same measure applies when stopping in a red traffic light. Here we, mustn’t place on a side of the car, but always at the center whether is at the front or back. When the traffic light changes to green, will be totally visible when moving.

Impact on pedestrian crossing
Talking about not riding on sidewalks, this is another reason to don’t do it. If you go on the sidewalk and cross on the space intended for pedestrians, is probable that motorists that are going to turn don’t see you. After all, if a pedestrian doesn’t cross the street on that moment, won’t expect a cyclist come out of the sidewalk.
The solution is easy and quick: don’t ride on sidewalks We know that sometimes is safer riding by sidewalks that asphalt, but, if necessary, take sidewalks but get off the bike and walk a bit.
Opposite impact
Now that we are doing the things we shouldn’t do, another common mistake is that, as cyclists, many times we circulate on the opposite direction. Yes, we can have a better vision of cars in front of us, our mistake is believing cars and pedestrians also see us. In fact, we are less visible for them, this is due, both are aware to vehicles that come in their direction, not the opposite one.
The easiest solution of all: don’t circulate on the opposite direction. As the last example, if you need it, take the sidewalk and get off the bike for some time.
A hit from the back
One of the greatest uncertainties of riding a bike, is not knowing how close to us is the car coming behind us. Normally, this isn’t a problem during day due visibility, but nights are more dangerous and even more if you don’t have rear lights, running the risk of not being visible and being impacted by a car.
To avoid it, besides the rear lights, is recommendable to take the right lane. In this way, if a car overtakes you, will have to take left lane. On the other hand, if you go next to sidewalk, this will try to overtake on the same lane, increasing risk of any collision.
Closed Way
Another of the most common bike accidents is caused by cyclists too. Never trust and mostly, never consider as a matter of fact that others will know your next moves. This case occurs when you change your lane, whether is left or right, without prior notice or without looking before doing it. These cases, even happen within bike paths, when two cyclists’ collision due one of them close the path to the other.
The solution is literally in your hands, all you have to do before changing your lane, is to warn with your left or right hand as turn signals, to know where and when you will change. If you lose your balance when turning your head, you can install rear mirrors on the maneuver to know if someone comes behind you.

The best precautions against the most common bike accidents
As you have seen, there are many patterns on accidents, but also in solutions.
The best practices are:
- Maintain a considerable distance between car and you
- Don’t drive at speed excess
- Respect sidewalks, traffic lights and the way of lanes
- Use the correct equipment of speed
- Warns and sign all your movements
- When there is a cycling infrastructure, ride within it
Of course, cyclist has the preference, but, on the other hand, is never too much to be cautious enough. In most of cases motorists are the ones that disrespect bikes, it never hurts to take care of ourselves.